torsdag 20. mai 2010

We got a terrace..

The day after i finished digging the carpenters arrived 
and started erecting the construction for the terrace.

The cat seems to enjoy the new level and easy access in and out..

Some days later they arrived to fasten the kebony 
terrace boards. The soil edge of the terrace will 
need some more landscaping. I might use rocks to 
meet the level difference.

The did a nice job cutting the boards along the rock

..and we got ourselves a new space to enjoy 
the view in protection from rain and wind.

tirsdag 11. mai 2010

Digging the dirt..

We rediscovered the lake again since the ice had melted.

The carpenters are about to start on our veranda and we spent the weekend removing soil and rocks to get as much exposed rock basement as possible

onsdag 5. mai 2010