East facade ready for windows and outdoor storage room that will be in front of the entrance door (which will not be red, but black)

Wood on the north facade as well.

The studs for the interior walls are up - very exciting to see the outline of the spaces. Some windows are closed-in with insulation, so the spaces will have a totally different feel, once the windows are installed.

The bathroom with the hems above. We need to lower the ceiling height and maybe make a recessed ladder in the wall in order to be able to climb in.

View through the walls from corner of our bedroom.

View from guest bed, through the door and down the hall. At the end wall there will be a square window.

Second layer of studs and moist barrier is up. The hidden electricity infrastructure is being worked on at the moment.

A view from the living-room down to the entrance area and the hall-way. We are still working on the stair and entrance area and a possible see-through screen.

Wardrobe for coats etc.

The niche for the left side wardrobe area and combined stair.