We are so thrilled about the results of the concrete wall. I love the way you can see traces from how the cast was buildt. Henning is checking out the proportions of the kitchen corner. This wall will be the lowest part of the whole livingroom/kitchen space.
The cone shaped holes are very nice, but you can still see the steel reinforcing bars, so I guess they will have to be concealed somehow. It looks abit darker now with the moist and ice than what will be the case when its indoor.

The wall with fillet edges. Niiice!!
This is were the staircase will be. The wall looks sleek and nice from here. I can`t wait to see what it will be like to enter the cabin and walk up those few stairs to total bliss with the great mountain view.

The upper level is finished and they are about to start on the walls. In a couple of weeks it will be up and thats when we can really see how the spaces will be like.

Henning is testing out the sofa in the livingroom..